A special system for management Umra companies and agencies 


This program is a pilgrimage as an integrated system for archiving  Passports to facilitate the entrance of each of the data or official passports passport screening, extraction and arranged according to the group and the client

Has been designed by the language of Oracle software, which is considered one of the best languages in the design and management of databases and the potential for non limited amount of data that absorb, as well as the accuracy and security, and multiple users on the network, as well as ease of extracting the data outputs

The program is also designed in a series  Make it easier for the user of (input data) the introduction and review  Data with ease  And also make a backup copy of data a day to restore later, if there is corruption  In the operating system or the computer does not, God forbid. And also the possibility of development, modernization and the amendment to the program if the need arise to do so.

The program also allows importing data agents and branches in groups easily, which are sent via e-mail (provided that they are injected with the same program), as well as import data from some pilgrims for Umrah companies in Saudi Arabia in order to avoid enter it again (by Umra _ gamma _ Cruising ).

Program also facilitates the user to print daily reports for the branches or agents in detail by  (Group, branch and date).

Program screens

Screen Add agents and branches

Data entry screen pilgrims

Display and modify data pilgrims

Screen receive passports

Screen Almovqat

Screen import approvals

Screen to enter the Embassy

Screen out of the embassy

Entry screen passports returned

Screen export and import of visas

Screen maintenance of the system

Start a screen variables

Export to Excel

Export data set -file a separate Data - Excel file

Import data set branches / agent

Import from different Umra gamma - through Umrah - Cruising

Back up

Screen reports and disclosures

System Properties
1.     Link between the branches directly.
2.     Linking Umrah in Saudi Arabia  And import them directly without re-entry for the groups.
3.     Ease of use and comprehensiveness of the system to the needs of the user.
4.     Import and export approvals, visas, and to support the link between the branches.
5.     A series of important reports and detailed reports are described in the screen, and the forms in the attached file.
6.     Knowledge of passports that did not get the approvals.
7.     Knowledge of passports that did not enter the embassy, as well as remaining in the embassy, as well as incest who did not get out of the embassy  Has left their families and vice versa.
8.     Make sure that all who stood with them in their backs, were manifest in (entering the Kingdom).
9.     Knowledge of the remaining term of every pilgrim to appear in underdevelopment, as well as Tabeith any branch to be follow-up.
10.            Knowledge of subordinate pilgrims retarded or Alqrebe underdevelopment and by means of a report in the system.
11.            The ability to print on the sticker passport (Alasticr) directly by a model agency.
12.     Ease of review group before it is sent and then imported it to print in a coordinated manner and all necessary fields to avoid errors and also to avoid the disadvantages of external programs from a decrease of some fields in the report.      
13.            The possible addition of any of the requirements of the reports or screens, etc
نظام العمرةv3.pps نظام العمرةv3.pps
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